Wednesday 23 April 2014

iPod Touch Does More Web Traffic Than Windows Phone And BlackBerry Combined

The iPod might be a dying business, but “dying” businesses for Apple are still businesses the competition would kill to have.

Apple’s iPod business, for example, is still worth $5 billion. Here’s an interesting metric to show how big the iPod still is in comparison to other companies, though. New mobile ad traffic data from Opera Mediaworks suggests that just a single iPod — the iPod touch — accounts for more web traffic than BlackBerry and Windows Phone combined.

According to the data, Apple’s iPod touch still accounts for about 3.15% of all global web traffic. That’s just a splash in Apple’s 38.17% web traffic dominance, but compared to traffic from Windows Phones (0.18%) and BlackBerries (1.14%), it might as well be a flood.

Not that Apple’s totally on top, you understand. For the first time ever, Android surpassed iOS as the major platform in the smart device market: 42.83% of all web traffic coms through Android. When you consider the fact that Apple controls more than a third of all web traffic with just a handful of devices, though, that number looks less impressive. It takes thousands of different handsets — many of them extraordinarily cheap — for Android to achieve dominance.

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