Tuesday 10 June 2014

New Google Now feature alerts public transport users about their next stop

Everyone must have experienced that moment when the bus or train ride to work becomes so enjoyable and relaxing that we unknowingly doze off and miss our stop. Well Google Now will help us avoid this by identifying and alerting us about the arrival of our destination. It is like a alarm with a built-in tracking device that charts our movement.

Besides, Google Now also provides us with relevant information like flight details, navigation information and public transit data. The new feature from the tech giant helps us realize about our dependency on our mobile devices.  Google Now is capable of identifying the mode of transport one takes, recognising the desired location and alerting the user of its arrival. This also mean Google will have detailed knowledge of your whereabouts which might not go down well with some of its users.

Google Now also features the ability to read through your queries and understand the exact meaning of it. For example, if you simply ask  Google Now to remind you to call someone, it will swiftly search through the contact list and select your friend’s number if it is saved under the same name as in the given command. Google is still working on a feature which will automatically identify the relation of the person being searched with respect to the user. If the name is listed in your phonebook, you will immediately get an option to call that person. The app will also let you set a timed reminder to call a person.

If you say “Okay Google call Mcdonalds”, it will not be able to match it to an entry within the phonebook in case you haven’t saved the number of the particular establishment. It will immediately realise that the search is linked with a business and within the results integrate a call button with Google Maps in the second card. Touch the call button and you will see a list of local matches for the business.

The screen is a simple Google Search with the query “call Mcdonalds” which gives related results complete with contact information and the exact location of the establishment on the map.

The option of conducting these commands varies from phone to phone with the more recent smartphones being able to perform these commands without tapping the mic icon.

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