Friday 31 October 2014

Apple Might Have Quietly Fixed The iPhone 6 Plus’ Bending Problem

When the iPhone 6 Plus was launched, it had one huge problem – bending. There were numerous reports of people bending their new phones which led to it being dubbed “Bendgate”. According to Apple at that time, less than 10 people had actually officially complained about the issue to Apple, but interestingly enough it looks like Apple has decided to do something about it.
While Apple has yet to officially acknowledge it, there are some users who are reporting that Apple could have quietly strengthened the device without making it public. According to a post by a Reddit user, he claims that the new iPhone 6 Plus he bought is different from the one his wife bought shortly after it was launched.
He claims that the newer model is not as smooth or soft in touch compared to the previous model, suggesting that Apple could have strengthened the material. He also claims that when tapping on it, his model sounded more “full”, versus his wife’s model which sounded a bit more hollow.
He also went as far as to put the phone under a microscope and to his surprise, he noticed a red colored object placed in the volume down button opening that was not included in his wife’s iPhone 6 Plus. It has been speculated that this could have been done to reinforce the weak spot in the device so that it will not bend as easily.
Last but not least, he weighed the two phones and found that his model weighed 21 grams more, although it is possible that the larger storage of the 128GB chip could be slightly heavier than his wife’s 16GB model, but what do you guys think? Does anyone have a newer model of the iPhone 6 Plus that can corroborate these claims?

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