Thursday 23 October 2014

Microsoft OneNote Update

Microsoft today launched OneNote Class Notebook Creator, an app designed to help teachers do their job in the paperless age. If you have an Office 365 subscription, you can download the app now for free directly from the Office Store.

By offering a personal workspace to every student, Microsoft is promising the app will help achieve the following:

Make it easier to collect homework, quizzes, exams, and handouts.
Enable all student work and teacher feedback to be exchanged automatically in one place virtually anytime, anywhere.
Combine real-time, individualized coaching of a shared notebook with the collaborative creativity of OneNote and digital handwriting.

OneNote Class Notebook Creator is broken up into three sections. The first is for notebooks, which allows teachers to look at each individual student’s work. Teachers can access the private notebooks at any time, but students naturally cannot see each other’s notebooks.

The other two sections are the content library and the collaboration space. The former is used to hand out course materials to students and the latter is a place for anyone in the class to share, organize, and collaborate.


IT administrators can install the OneNote Class Notebook Creator app for teachers by following this guide. A separate interactive guide is also available for teachers over on

OneNote Class Notebook Creator was created by the OneNote team in partnership with Microsoft Research and Microsoft China. Microsoft says the groups used feedback from teachers who wanted to help improve OneNote for the classroom. Now that the app is available, educators everywhere can continue the feedback loop by emailing

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