Sony India announced the launch of its new Ultra High Speed SD card UX series, with fast data transfer speed and 4K compatibility. With the launch of the new SD Card UX Series 128GB, Sony India expands its boundary in the memory card segment. The new card, ideal for professional or semi-professional photographers and videographers, is equipped with enhanced speed and transfer time to enable minimized workflow speed with improved efficiency.
New SD Card UX Series 128GB comes with data transfer speeds up to 94MB/s (read) and up to 60MB/s (write) to guarantee fast and efficient transfers. It also features an Ultra-High Speed (UHS Speed Class 3) rating so that speed and quality will not be compromised in the images captured, resulting in smooth 4K recordings as well as minimal buffering when capturing still images in Burst, multi-frame or panoramic modes. This card is also compatible with XAVC S codec mode recording.
Akin to the existing versions, the new memory card continues to feature the Sony File Rescue software, the first in the world to support 3D movies and photos. This software allows users to recover accidentally deleted precious photos and movies.
IBM Launches Next-gen Social Mail Software ‘IBM Verse’
IBM on Wednesday (19 November) announced a new freemium social collaboration offering that uses built-in analytics to give employees a new way to converse, find the right people and information fast, and get work done. IBM Verse stems from the company’s $100 million INVESTMENT in design innovation and brings together its leading cloud, analytics, social and security platforms to transform the future of work.
IBM Verse takes a vastly different approach to enterprise email by integrating the many ways employees connect each day – via email, meetings, calendars, file sharing, instant messaging, social updates, video chats and more – through a single collaboration environment. It is the first messaging system to feature 'faceted search,' which enables users to pinpoint and retrieve specific information they're seeking across all the various types of content within their email.
Clients using IBM Verse will also have the future option to embed a Watson feature into their collaboration environment, which enables users to query Watson on a given topic and receive a direct reply with answers ranked by degree of confidence.
Godrej Kick-starts Masterbrand 2.0
The Godrej Group, one of India’s most trusted conglomerates, on Wednesday embarked on ‘Masterbrand 2.0’, a consumer connect initiative, aimed at providing ideas that make life brighter. As part of this initiative, the company also launched ‘FreeG’: India’s first non-web based mobile browsing experience.
Celebrated for offering innovative brighter living ideas for over 100 years, Godrej reiterates its commitment of creating pathbreaking products with the launch of Masterbrand phase 2.0. The campaign showcases a slew of innovative products offered by Godrej to delight its customers. From a new age bed enabled with electronic hydraulics, a video door phone allowing continuous surveillance of two entrances of home with storing capacity of upto 100 photographs, state of the art properties, effective mosquito repellant solutions to authentic street food experience at home, these products were showcased through a series of 8 television commercials that were aired on prime national channels from 14th of November onwards. The commercials continue to feature Sam &Meera, our Masterbrand protagonists from the 2013 Masterbrand campaign.
Speaking at the launch, Tanya Dubash, Executive Director and Chief Brand Officer, Godrej Group stated, “In this next phase of the Godrej Masterbrand journey, we continue to showcase designful and innovative products with ideas that truly make our consumers' lives brighter, from across our diverse set of businesses. We believe that when seen collectively, this leads to a reassessment of the image of brand Godrej which in turn leads to greater consideration and sales."
Convergys Expands Hiring
Convergys Corporation, a global leader in customer management and the first US Business Process Management (BPM) company in India, recently opened its new ‘Direct Hire Centre’ in C-3, J1/164, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. Job applicants can visit anytime from Monday to Saturday between 11:00am – 7:00pm, or call 011-45023858.
The West Delhi Direct Hire Centre aims to attract and hire quality talent for the Bestech and Unitech Contact Centers of Convergys. It is currently hiring for Customer Care and Sales Officers, Technical Support Officers, and Back Office representatives for its operations.
“We are excited to open this new recruiting center and continue providing job opportunities for India’s top talent. We are looking for highly motivated individuals who would like to become world-class service professionals supporting global Fortune 500 brands, and can work from our Contact Centers in the National Capital Region ” said Rajiv Dutta, Director for Talent Acquisition for Convergys India and China.
Hike Launches Localised Stickers
Hike messenger, India’s only homegrown chat application, on Wednesday announced the launch of free stickers in Indian languages. The new sticker packs allow hike users to communicate in their own language thereby facilitating better expression. The sticker range consists of over 250 Indian stickers catering to different parts of India. From colloquial expressions to playful slangs, the complete set adds emotions to conversations, with a single tap on the smartphone.
Hike also announced the launch of Sticker Shop to provide customizable user experience with easy reordering of the desired packs. The feature is designed keeping in mind the cultural differences and the regional colloquial flavor across the markets of northern, eastern, western, southern and central India. Special regional packs have been launched for the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Punjab and Delhi.
Kavin Bharti Mittal, Founder & CEO, Hike Messenger said, “We want to offer our users the freedom to express. Of the 10 billion plus monthly messaging volume, stickers contribute to 30 per cent of the traffic, accounting for 3 billion sticker shares – and this number is growing day by day. We truly believe India is a country of many countries – we stand united in our diversity. Hike is made in India and thus this offering follows naturally; we’re localizing hike even further for the market by launching over 250 stickers in multiple languages catering to 11 distinct regions. It's been a big request from our 35M+ users to and we can't wait to see the response.”
- See more at:
New SD Card UX Series 128GB comes with data transfer speeds up to 94MB/s (read) and up to 60MB/s (write) to guarantee fast and efficient transfers. It also features an Ultra-High Speed (UHS Speed Class 3) rating so that speed and quality will not be compromised in the images captured, resulting in smooth 4K recordings as well as minimal buffering when capturing still images in Burst, multi-frame or panoramic modes. This card is also compatible with XAVC S codec mode recording.
Akin to the existing versions, the new memory card continues to feature the Sony File Rescue software, the first in the world to support 3D movies and photos. This software allows users to recover accidentally deleted precious photos and movies.
IBM Launches Next-gen Social Mail Software ‘IBM Verse’
IBM on Wednesday (19 November) announced a new freemium social collaboration offering that uses built-in analytics to give employees a new way to converse, find the right people and information fast, and get work done. IBM Verse stems from the company’s $100 million INVESTMENT in design innovation and brings together its leading cloud, analytics, social and security platforms to transform the future of work.
IBM Verse takes a vastly different approach to enterprise email by integrating the many ways employees connect each day – via email, meetings, calendars, file sharing, instant messaging, social updates, video chats and more – through a single collaboration environment. It is the first messaging system to feature 'faceted search,' which enables users to pinpoint and retrieve specific information they're seeking across all the various types of content within their email.
Clients using IBM Verse will also have the future option to embed a Watson feature into their collaboration environment, which enables users to query Watson on a given topic and receive a direct reply with answers ranked by degree of confidence.
Godrej Kick-starts Masterbrand 2.0
The Godrej Group, one of India’s most trusted conglomerates, on Wednesday embarked on ‘Masterbrand 2.0’, a consumer connect initiative, aimed at providing ideas that make life brighter. As part of this initiative, the company also launched ‘FreeG’: India’s first non-web based mobile browsing experience.
Celebrated for offering innovative brighter living ideas for over 100 years, Godrej reiterates its commitment of creating pathbreaking products with the launch of Masterbrand phase 2.0. The campaign showcases a slew of innovative products offered by Godrej to delight its customers. From a new age bed enabled with electronic hydraulics, a video door phone allowing continuous surveillance of two entrances of home with storing capacity of upto 100 photographs, state of the art properties, effective mosquito repellant solutions to authentic street food experience at home, these products were showcased through a series of 8 television commercials that were aired on prime national channels from 14th of November onwards. The commercials continue to feature Sam &Meera, our Masterbrand protagonists from the 2013 Masterbrand campaign.
Speaking at the launch, Tanya Dubash, Executive Director and Chief Brand Officer, Godrej Group stated, “In this next phase of the Godrej Masterbrand journey, we continue to showcase designful and innovative products with ideas that truly make our consumers' lives brighter, from across our diverse set of businesses. We believe that when seen collectively, this leads to a reassessment of the image of brand Godrej which in turn leads to greater consideration and sales."
Convergys Expands Hiring
Convergys Corporation, a global leader in customer management and the first US Business Process Management (BPM) company in India, recently opened its new ‘Direct Hire Centre’ in C-3, J1/164, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. Job applicants can visit anytime from Monday to Saturday between 11:00am – 7:00pm, or call 011-45023858.
The West Delhi Direct Hire Centre aims to attract and hire quality talent for the Bestech and Unitech Contact Centers of Convergys. It is currently hiring for Customer Care and Sales Officers, Technical Support Officers, and Back Office representatives for its operations.
“We are excited to open this new recruiting center and continue providing job opportunities for India’s top talent. We are looking for highly motivated individuals who would like to become world-class service professionals supporting global Fortune 500 brands, and can work from our Contact Centers in the National Capital Region ” said Rajiv Dutta, Director for Talent Acquisition for Convergys India and China.
Hike Launches Localised Stickers
Hike messenger, India’s only homegrown chat application, on Wednesday announced the launch of free stickers in Indian languages. The new sticker packs allow hike users to communicate in their own language thereby facilitating better expression. The sticker range consists of over 250 Indian stickers catering to different parts of India. From colloquial expressions to playful slangs, the complete set adds emotions to conversations, with a single tap on the smartphone.
Hike also announced the launch of Sticker Shop to provide customizable user experience with easy reordering of the desired packs. The feature is designed keeping in mind the cultural differences and the regional colloquial flavor across the markets of northern, eastern, western, southern and central India. Special regional packs have been launched for the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Punjab and Delhi.
Kavin Bharti Mittal, Founder & CEO, Hike Messenger said, “We want to offer our users the freedom to express. Of the 10 billion plus monthly messaging volume, stickers contribute to 30 per cent of the traffic, accounting for 3 billion sticker shares – and this number is growing day by day. We truly believe India is a country of many countries – we stand united in our diversity. Hike is made in India and thus this offering follows naturally; we’re localizing hike even further for the market by launching over 250 stickers in multiple languages catering to 11 distinct regions. It's been a big request from our 35M+ users to and we can't wait to see the response.”
- See more at:
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