Tuesday 16 December 2014

skype Can Now Do Spanish/English Translation in (Almost) Real Time

Skype is running a public preview that lets users translate English and Spanish, the first tast of more than a decade worth of development from Microsoft MSFT -1.76%. Skype
After more than a decade of development, Microsoft’s Skype can now translate speech nearly in real time—at least for Windows 8.1 users who want to converse in English and Spanish. On Monday, Skype released its Translator Preview for Skype’s Windows app.

The software translates spoken audio, so the two people talking hear robot-voice translations in their own language. But the translator also will provide a bilingual text transcript of the entire conversation.

While the live audio (and speech-to-text) system is currently limited to Spanish and English, more languages are on the way. Meanwhile, over 40 different languages are supported in the text chat portion of Skype, where users can get translations of phrases they type to each other.

Skype has a public signup page for those who want an invite to the Translator Preview (currently only supported in Skype for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 preview). After requesting an invite, Skype says in an email that the “participation in the preview will be confirmed depending on: the date you registered; the devices you selected; the availability of selected languages; and registration code (if you have one).”

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