Apple Watch, which has been available in many countries since April, is likely to be launched in India by November, says a source with information of the company's Watch launch plans in India. This suggests that the smartwatch could make its way to India sometime around the festive season, say during Diwali.
There is, however, no information on its prices for the Indian market
The Apple Watch comes in different variants for prices starting at $349 for the entry-level model and go up to $17,000 for a luxury edition.
Apple's smartwatch has a wider range of apps than rival watches from Samsung, Motorola and others. And, ntifications are central to the watch experience.
Apple Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri told Reuters last month that sales of the Apple Watch had beat the company's expectations. He said in the nine weeks since its launch in late April, the device had sold better than either iPhones or iPads over a similar period after their launch.
Apple unveiled the watch in September last year and began taking orders in April this year. The Cupertino company hasn't released any sale figures for the new device.
There is, however, no information on its prices for the Indian market
The Apple Watch comes in different variants for prices starting at $349 for the entry-level model and go up to $17,000 for a luxury edition.
Apple's smartwatch has a wider range of apps than rival watches from Samsung, Motorola and others. And, ntifications are central to the watch experience.
Apple Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri told Reuters last month that sales of the Apple Watch had beat the company's expectations. He said in the nine weeks since its launch in late April, the device had sold better than either iPhones or iPads over a similar period after their launch.
Apple unveiled the watch in September last year and began taking orders in April this year. The Cupertino company hasn't released any sale figures for the new device.
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