Tuesday, 22 September 2015

How apple watch will be necessity buy in future or might be soon?

I am realizing that apple watch is not a shit or waste of money.When apple watch came I thought that I will not buy apple watch at all but news which are coming every day related to apple watch making realizing that apple watch is cheaper and worth the money ,Do I told cheaper?Yes I told cheaper because if I offer you $500 or your life you will defiantly choose your life because you will say $500 is not a big amount  ,recently a teenage boy who was almost dying and he was not knowing and he saved his life just with help of apple watch,he checked his pulse before playing and it was normal and after playing it was not normal so he went to doctor and saved his life.In day to day life how much we go for a checkup to a doctor ?hardly we go.
                  Not only that but also in many way apple watch is helpful some time parents are not at home and they lock home and we forget key so we can also unlock the door with apple watch not only that we forget our wallet we can pay through apple watch ,I know apple pay is still not available in India and in many countries but just we can hope or some companies like Paypal or I.C.I.C.I are saying that they will innovate their apps and use it like Apple Pay
                       Apple watch can also save your job or money ,many a times we call alot and battery get over of our iPhone or you forget you iPhone at home , so we can do important call through apple watch with help Wi-Fi not a normal call I know but Facetime or skype may help you
                            Key headache will also will be go like car key,home key,locker keyetc heavy and take alot of place in our pocket and sometime starches iPhone screen too so we can store into it   ,No headache of lost or No headache or  forgetting key 
                                     Apple watch will be more useful according to me and it is very usefull what you think about apple watch let me know by commenting down below 

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