Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Facebook is working on a fix for the Candy Crush invite issue

If you're on Facebook, chances are you've received an invite to play Candy Crush Saga, whether you've ever played the game or not. It's one of the most complained about issues on Facebook, and CEO Mark Zuckerberg says there's a fix on the way.

Speaking at the Indian Institute of Technology in Dehli, India, Zuckerberg said he noticed the Candy Crush issue was becoming serious after it became the most upvoted question in an online thread, and asked the developer platform lead to figure out a solution for the problem.

"I sent a message to the person who runs the team in charge of our developer platform, and I said that by the time I do this townhall Q&A, it would be good if we had a solution to this problem," Zuckerberg said, according to VentureBeat. "She emailed me later that night, and said there are some tools — that are kind of outdated — that allow people to send invitations to people who’ve never used a game, and don’t play games on Facebook. We hadn’t prioritized shutting that down, we just had other priorities. But if this is the top thing that people care about, we’ll prioritize that and do it. So we’re doing it!"

Facebook hasn't announced a timetable for the fix, but hopefully those pesky invitations will soon be fixed, and everyone can go back to just receiving invitations to events we have no intention of attending, but will still reply with "maybe."

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