Microsoft has been steadily improving its Skype mobile apps recently to make them more messaging-friendly. While previous changes have been targeted towards popular apps like Messenger and WhatsApp, today's update brings Snapchat-like filters. Skype for Android, iPhone, and iPad now support video messages that include filters with balloons, ghosts, and more. You can preview filters and then record a message and send it to a Skype friend.
If you have a new iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus, then Microsoft is also introducing 3D Touch support with Skype. Forcibly touching the Skype icon brings up search and calling options, and within the app you can peek into conversations or pop video chats into the foreground. The dialpad shortcuts seems to be the best 3D Touch addition, allowing you to open Skype straight on the dialpad screen to initiate a call. Microsoft is rolling out these new features to Skype for iPhone, iPad, and Android today
If you have a new iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus, then Microsoft is also introducing 3D Touch support with Skype. Forcibly touching the Skype icon brings up search and calling options, and within the app you can peek into conversations or pop video chats into the foreground. The dialpad shortcuts seems to be the best 3D Touch addition, allowing you to open Skype straight on the dialpad screen to initiate a call. Microsoft is rolling out these new features to Skype for iPhone, iPad, and Android today
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