Thursday, 9 August 2018

Where is the worlds largest market speaker in world ?

Today samsung launch his first smart speaker today which is GALAXY HOME which made me thought why did apple has not bring his smart speaker in India ok let's come to the main topic which is which country has more scope.
Well according to me it's India. because in India there are so many variety of song in different languages and especially many credits goes to Bollywood which makes a lot epic songs.

Well I am Gujarati but live in Maharashtra since birth so as being Indian and educated from English School I know 4 languages which are Gujarati, Marathi (which is kind a main language in Maharashtra), Hindi (Which is main languages of India, and English (which is kind a important world language) but beyond that I listen to Punjabi song which is totally understandable for me but not all time.
 And beyond that there are variety in songs as well like sorrow, happy, sad, romantic, rock, funny (yes there are believe me which make your mood happy ) ETC.

So being so many option of songs for sure India is one of the best speaker market in India, but problem arise from the amount of TAX and hence result is heavy or high price in India

If speaker are made in more affordable price and a good marketing india is already warm welcome you all. 

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