Apple has finally launched its biggest-ever iPad in India. Called iPad Pro, the Apple's new tablet is available on all company retail stores starting today.
iPad Pro Wi-Fi-only model (32GB) has been priced at Rs 67,900 while users will have to pay Rs 79,900 for the 128GB model. The tablet's 128GB model with 4G LTE connectivity costs Rs 91,900.
The tablet features a 12.9-inch display with a whopping 5.6 million pixels. It is powered by the new 64-bit A9X chip from Apple. This promises 1.8 times the performance that of the existing second-generation 64-bit A8X chip, which runs on the iPad Air 2.
The new version also includes a detachable keyboard and stylus. The iPad Pro accessories -- Apple pencil, smart keyboard and iPad Pro silicon case are priced at Rs 8,600, Rs 14,900 and Rs 6,100 respectively.
The tablet has a four-speaker audio system and balances the sound automatically, depending on how it is being held. It will offer 10 hours of battery life, similar to what the standard iPad and iPad mini offer.
Apple launched the iPad Pro in September. The iPad Pro directly competes with the Microsoft's Surface Pro 4, which is scheduled to launch in India in January.
iPad Pro Wi-Fi-only model (32GB) has been priced at Rs 67,900 while users will have to pay Rs 79,900 for the 128GB model. The tablet's 128GB model with 4G LTE connectivity costs Rs 91,900.
The tablet features a 12.9-inch display with a whopping 5.6 million pixels. It is powered by the new 64-bit A9X chip from Apple. This promises 1.8 times the performance that of the existing second-generation 64-bit A8X chip, which runs on the iPad Air 2.
The new version also includes a detachable keyboard and stylus. The iPad Pro accessories -- Apple pencil, smart keyboard and iPad Pro silicon case are priced at Rs 8,600, Rs 14,900 and Rs 6,100 respectively.
The tablet has a four-speaker audio system and balances the sound automatically, depending on how it is being held. It will offer 10 hours of battery life, similar to what the standard iPad and iPad mini offer.
Apple launched the iPad Pro in September. The iPad Pro directly competes with the Microsoft's Surface Pro 4, which is scheduled to launch in India in January.
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