Tuesday 11 November 2014

Man Buys 99 iPhone 6s to Propose to Girlfriend, Gets Rejected

Happy Singles' Day!

If you’re planning an elaborate proposal, you should probably know the girl is going to say “yes.”

That was not the case for one Chinese programmer, Sina Technology reports. The unnamed man decided to spend two years of savings on 99 iPhone 6s—costing an estimated $85,000—arrange them in the shape of a heart, and then very publicly propose to his girlfriend.

And… she reportedly said no.

Maybe if he had sprung for the iPhone 6 Plus…

The proposal came right in time for China’s Singles’ Day — a holiday that falls on 11/11 — which many Chinese bachelors celebrate by online shopping, and ending their single-dom.

It’s probably safe to assume this newly single programmer will not be buying himself an iPhone.

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